Monday, May 12

Appreciation for What IS

Is the glass half empty or half full? Certainly an age old question. How do you see it? For most of my life I’ve been a glass-half-empty person; a born pessimist; with any issue, I would think: that’s less than it used to be; or what’s wrong?; this is the worst possible scenario; how are we going to fix this?; and so on. It got so bad that my staff at Christ Church Charlottesville, called me Mr. Glass-Half-Empty.

However I’m glad to report that in the last few years I’ve begun to see the glass differently. Age has helped, as have some areas of personal reflection and growth. These have lead to a growing appreciation for what is rather than what isn’t; being more positive about situations rather than only focusing on what’s wrong.

When I began my Transitional Ministry Training in 2007 I was introduced to Appreciative Inquiry Theory. The idea is that one always approaches one’s ministry as an Interim Rector with a lens of appreciation for what one sees in the life of the congregation. From my viewpoint there is certainly much to appreciate across the board at Christ Church; this is a very strong, vibrant, energetic, cutting-edge congregation. I have been especially impressed by music and worship in general; children and youth; pastoral care; missions and outreach. The facilities and the parking are top of the line. Even financial stewardship -- which is seen as an area of improvement here -- is stronger than most Episcopal Churches with which I have been associated. And I might add that I have experienced, as have so many others, the warm and friendly welcome from you as I have entered this
new role.

Yet the fact remains it is easy for a parish to get down on itself during a transition. Some can’t get over the loss of a Rector or a beloved Associate; some hold up a period in the past when things seemed to be better; in some parishes during a time of transition, parts of the system which had been held together fall apart and become conflicted. Yes, it is easy to see the glass getting emptier. The truth, of course, is that the glass is both half-empty and half-full; sure there are some losses but there is much to build on that remains here that are foundational. The positives here are far more prevalent. Please don’t fall prey to negative thinking.

The operative fact is God continues to move among and through the people of God here. Jesus Christ is the Church’s one foundation. The number one strategy moving forward should be prayer, prayer, prayer! In our personal lives (and corporately, as well) we need to bathe this church in prayer. The Spirit of God continues to move here, to inspire, challenge and comfort. Now is a moment to shift the parish’s focus to discerning what new life the Spirit of God wants to bring forth in our midst -- the new water that God is already pouring into your hearts and corporate life here at Christ Church. How will the glass be pouring over in abundance here? Yes, it will be different, but it will be full.

Yours in Christ Jesus,